Incheon Airport Limousine Bus 6103: Latest Schedule, Boarding Locations, Fares, and Travel Time


This post is a summary of information about Incheon Airport bus 6103.

Bus 6103 departs from COEX City Airport which is located in Seoul.

As of June 21, 2024

It’s operating 36 times a day.

Address of Coex City Airport

– 513 Yeongdong-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul

You can check the Incheon airport bus 6103 information in the following order.

(1) Bus operator

(2) Telephone number

(3) Bus Routes

(4) Bus Fares

(5) Estimated Time

(6) Time of the first bus and last bus

(7) Bus stop location and bus’s real-time location

(8) Bus Timetable

(9) Incheon Airport Bus stop

(1) Bus operator Name :

City airport logis & travel

(2) Bus operator’s Telephone number :


6103 route
Source: NAVER Map

(3) Bus Routes :

Coex City Airport → Incheon Airport terminal 1 → Incheon Airport terminal 2

(4) Incheon airport bus 6103 fares

Incheon Airport ↔ Seoul Coex City Airport

Adult 18,000 won

Child 12,000 won

(5) Estimated time

Seoul COEX City Airport ↔ Incheon Airport Travel Time:

  • about 70min. to Incheon International Terminal 1
  • about 90 min. to Incheon International Terminal 2

(6) Time of first train and last train

 to Incheon Airportto Downtown
first bus04:1005:40 (INC T2)
06:00 (INC T1)
last bus21:0023:10 (INC T2)
23:30 (INC T1)

(7) Bus stop location and bus real-time location

↓ If you click the link below, you can check the bus stop location and the current location of the bus.

#6103 bus route Incheon International Airport ↔ Seoul Coex Station

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(8) Timetable of Incheon International Airport bus number 6103

  • From Seoul COEX City Airport Gangnam
  • From Seoul, Gangnam COEX to Incheon Airport

(9) The location to board the 6103 limousine bus from Incheon Airport to COEX

  • Incheon Airport Terminal 1: No. 7 on the 1st floor
  • Incheon Airport Terminal 2: Transportation Center B1, No. 21
Incheon airport terminal1
Incheon airport terminal2

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